フィルターページFilter pages to be processed by regular expression.
Ex) "^PukiWiki" => all pages starting with "PukiWiki."
除外ページExcept pages by regular expression.
ページSpecify a page to be processed. If this field is specified, "Filter Pages" is ignored.
Use regular expression for searching.
検索The string to be replaced. Apply replacing strings to each line separately.
置換Ex) Search ^#ls\((.*)\)$ => Replace #lsx(\1).
Ex) Search &mimetex\(((?:[^;]|[^)];)*)\); => Replace $ \1 $. (with regexp check)
複数行検索The multi-line strings to be replaced. Apply replacing strings to whole contents at one time. Use this when you want to include returns or line feeds. If this field is specified, "Search" is ignored.
Do not change timestamps.